Monday, August 1, 2011


I'm learning about being fruitful. I'd love to say that I feel fruitful, but I feel more like I just planted seeds. I'm seeing my seedlings grow but I don't feel like they're obviously blooming. I guess I'm okay with that. Baby steps, right? I know that I'm making the efforts to maintain my seedlings, but occasionally I forget to water them. With watering can in hand, I move forward. I'm learning a lot this week. Previous notions I'm finding aren't what they appear. What I used to see as an 'elitist' club, is more like a support group. I will not feel deterred by the negativity of others. I will keep sowing my seeds and appreciating the fruits of my labor. ptl!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

verbal diarrhea

Really?? When exactly was it that you decided that what I do is your business? Were you in on the decision to make me? Were you part of any forming years? Did you lead me down the right path and watch me stray? No. You don't know where I came from, you don't know where I've been, you don't know who I am. However, you feel like it's your right to look down from your glass perch to judge what I say and do? Really? That seems like an acceptable practice in your convoluted little mind? Well, let me let you in on a little secret. I've never portrayed myself as anything more righteous or perfect than what I am. I'm broken, but I'm on the mend. I've fallen and I'm regaining my footing. I've strayed, but I'm finding my path again. I'm sassy, I'm ornery, I'm a royal pain in the ass. However, I've never asked you to bear my burdens or fix my wrongs. I'm like to call names, I'm hypocritical, I'm picky, I'm sometimes bossy, and I hate to be wrong....but I've never treated you as though I'm any better. You know why? Because I'm not. I'm no better than anyone. I'm learning. My eyes are open and I'm making better choices. Did you hear me laugh the last time you fell? No. You know why? Because I wouldn't. I'm not sure who told you that being righteous meant that you could loom over people and spit your holiness from your castle of sand...but I'm not going to tear it down. That's not my job. If you need help I'll do what I can, but it's not my place to point out that you've got some faulty wiring and your moral compass is obviously not facing due North. I'm also COMPLETELY incapable of letting things go. I'm not willing to walk around giving myself diarrhea over all of the stupid things I hear you say and watch you do because you're better than the rest of the world. I've got to speak my mind and move on. So, that's what I'm doing. You can stand over me and talk down to me all you'd like. I'm short, I'm used to it. Do not, however, for one second think that what you have to say matters. Your ignorance and coldheartedness may unwelcomly affect me, but all I'll take from you is a lesson. Do unto others. Apparently you didn't get that memo.
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