Saturday, November 20, 2010


I love shopping. Well, let me rephrase...I love getting a good deal! I almost got run off the road by some dip-squat who decided that floating into my lane on a corner was a good idea. I got over-charged for a couple things, and maneuvering the crowds was a little less than fantastic, but all-in-all I did pretty good. I got the little guy a new coat for $25 at Old Navy, I got the kids each a pair of gloves (which is what I got overcharged on...but I'll go fix that next time I'm up there), and I bought myself a couple of long sleeved tees for only $5 each! I know that seems silly, but that's pretty big day for me! I got to see some family today, a few friends, and back home in time to enjoy them all comfortably. Thank the Lord for friends, family, and great deals!

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