Friday, October 15, 2010


This week I made a wreath I discovered on another blogger's site. It's ridiculously cool. I'm not usually one to do things without assistance of someone more experienced, but I went for it with this wreath and I kind of love it. After I made the wreath pretty darn well, I got a little edgy and decided to go rogue and make one of my own without any insight from anyone/anything/anywhere and I love it too. I'm not good about creating things when I'm not sure how they'll turn out. I hate to waste things if I screw up and I'm such a perfectionist that failure is generally eminent. However, this week I've beaten my odds and I've gotta say I'm pretty proud of myself. Sure, in the grand scheme of things my wreaths are mediocre at best. Obviously novice...but they're mine. I made them, all by myself like a big girl and ya know what? That's a big deal for me. I usually don't even bother, but I did take initiative and I even went as far as to succeed. Go me! So, here's to baby steps, small victories, and change in small ways that effect the bigger picture.

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