Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Sissy!

My big sister Annie's birthday is Tuesday, but since we live so far apart we got together tonight for a birthday dinner. We all go to be there and I had a wonderful time. I find that when I attend church I feel more thankful for the blessings in my life and I count today as one of them. I got to talk with people about important things, I got to see my family and have important conversations, I got to wish my big sister another happy year, and we all got safely home. I'm sure there are many more mini-miracles I'm leaving out because I've been so contented with the others I observed. Not to be cheesy, but today is one of those days. I am thankful for many things, and one of those things is the terribly obnoxious pain-in-the-arse big sister I have who has enjoyed another year of life. Thank the Lord for her. Happy Birthday Sissy. God Bless.

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