Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I hear that some people don't allow their children to participate in Halloween and that makes me sad. Not only is it NOT a devil-worshiping thing, (btw, I find that excuse to be excessively IGNORANT and retarded as well as blind and closed-minded) but making something like a publicly recognized "holiday" bad for your family is only perpetuating negativity that is somehow manifested itself in your closed mind. I don't believe that you should celebrate a holiday just because it's common, but I also don't believe that you should make something terrible out of a harmless holiday. If I'm perfectly honest with myself and everyone else, I don't know the complete back story of Halloween and where it came from, but I can tell you it's not to celebrate the devil. I'm also sure that it's a religious holiday that's evolved into a children's holiday. When I was growing up, my two favorite holidays were Christmas (I'm pretty sure that's for obvious reasons) and Halloween. My specific reason for loving Halloween was because "I can be whatever I want on that one day a year". I feel like that's what Halloween is, it's a day to be whatever you want and enjoy yourself. Sure, trick-or-treating is technically begging and I can understand why parents wouldn't enjoy doing that. I don't enjoy the trick-or-treating, but I feel like going to the homes of friends and family to show off and get candy in return is enjoyable for the kids. I think that putting any weight in negative thoughts on the holiday is only ensuring that those negative thoughts are perpetuated by our youth, which I also find completely unnecessary. So, if you don't want to trick-or-treat, don't. If you don't want to celebrate, don't. But for the love of pete, let your kids enjoy it. What's it going to hurt? I mean, if their friends are drawing chalk pentagrams on buildings and dancing naked in the woods with pig blood all over them, then by all means keep your kids away from them. I get that. Otherwise, let the flippin' day be enjoyed! Happy Halloween ya weirdos!

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